Seeking document reviewers for Pythia and OpenCV

TASK: As part of the systems review track, we’re looking for volunteers to review licenses for the Pythia and OpenCV systems and fill out this spreadsheet to check the compatibility of version 0.0.6 of our definition with current AI systems.

TIMELINE: Our goal was to complete this review by next Tuesday, April 2nd, though we’ll likely extend the deadline in consultation with the volunteers who respond.

VOLUNTEERS: For transparency, reviewers will have their names and affiliations made public. Black, Indigenous, Latine, and other people of color, women, queer, transgender, and non-binary people, people with disabilities, and people from poor and working class backgrounds are encouraged to respond.

LEARN MORE Reviewers are already assigned in the Llama 2 and BLOOM groups. We have two reviewers for Pythia and are seeking more. We have no reviewers yet for OpenCV. Further information on the workgroups and their past activities can be found here.

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:

I am interested in helping. I will need to check on the previous work better understand what you are expecting. I will likely have some questions.

Thanks, @sarob. I’ll message you.

Also, anyone interested in volunteering can message me privately if you don’t want to reply directly to this forum post.

I am in, too. I am gonna look at the Pythia and OpenCV docs first like Sarob.

thank you @Mer

Thanks @zero2hero. We were able to find reviewers for Pythia, but still have no reviewers for OpenCV. If you’d be willing to focus on OpenCV, that would be great :smiling_face:

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Hello @Mer , sure. I am gonna look at the OpenCV docs. Let me know if you have any useful docs while I work on it.


Hi @zero2hero – Identifying the legal documents is part of the task, but others on this thread are welcome to help out. Would you like to become a reviewer? If so, please DM me your full name, organizational affiliation (which will be public), and email so I can add you as an editor on the spreadsheet. Thanks for your interest, Rasim :smiley_cat:

Yes, please. I’d like to work on it. I will DM you if I am able to find the DM link :slight_smile:

Have a great weekend

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Hello - I’m interested in helping with the review. Thanks

Thanks for offering to help, @CaseyValk! We’ve actually finished the review. Last Friday we released a new version of the definition based on the results: The Open Source AI Definition - 0.0.7 - HackMD

Do keep coming back and thanks for being involved :slight_smile:

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