CONTEXT Last week Stefano announced v. 0.0.8, the first feature complete version of the Open Source AI Definition (OSAID).
ASK We are now seeking volunteers to validate that definition by using it to review additional AI systems that are self-described as open. If you are interested, please comment below or DM me.
TIME We would like to complete this validation task by Monday, May 20th.
TASK You will have a spreadsheet (example below) in which you locate and link to the license, research paper, or other document that grants rights or provides information for each required component. You will then indicate in each cell whether the document Allows or Restricts the ability to study use, modify, or share that component.
Example: spreadsheet used to review Llama 2 according OSAID v. 0.0.6
SYSTEMS We are interested in reviewing about ten self-described open AI systems as part of this definitional process. Four (marked *) have already been reviewed by the workgroups. Below are some more systems we are interested in being part of this validation task. If there is another system you would like to review, please say so.
- Arctic JesĂşs M. Gonzalez-Barahona
- BLOOM * Danish Contractor, Jaan Li
- Falcon Casey Valk, Jean-Pierre Lorre
- Grok Victor Lu, Karsten Wade
- Llama 2 * Davide Testuggine, Jonathan Torres, Stefano Zacchiroli, Victor Lu
- Mistral Mark Collier, Jean-Pierre Lorre, Cailean Osborne
- OLMo Amanda Casari, Abdoulaye Diack
- OpenCV * Rasim Sen
- Phi-2 Seo-Young Isabelle Hwang
- Pythia * Seo-Young Isabelle Hwang, Stella Biderman, Hailey Schoelkopf, Aviya Skowron
- T5 Jaan Li
TO VOLUNTEER Comment below or DM me if you would like to volunteer. Anyone who can complete the task may do so, either solo or as a group. If you are a creator or advisor on the system you are reviewing, we will also need to identity an unaffiliated individual to review the system, so please disclose that when you volunteer. Your name and organizational affiliation will also be made public as part of our transparency policy.
Women, trans, and non-binary folx, black, indigenous, latine/o/a, and other people of color, immigrants, people with disabilities, and people from poor and working class backgrounds are encouraged to respond.
EDIT: I’ll update the list above with volunteer names so it’s clear where there is greatest need.
(last update: May 14th @ 11:03 am PDT)