Call for interviewees: Share your insights on research on open source LLMs movement and the definition

I am Paula a double degree Master Student from Aalto University in Finland.
I am currently conducting research for my master’s thesis on the concept of open source in the context of Large Language Models (LLMs). My study aims to explore what “open source” means within the LLM landscape and to compare it with the traditional understanding of open source in the context of software.

While OSI is formulating a practical checklist, I am looking at the broader open source phenomenon that is happening in the LLMs scene. The interview will evolve around topics such as the definition and the challenges of defining it, resource requirements, how open source LLMs project emerge and how the introduction of open source LLMs have influenced the market dynamics.

ASK: 30-45 min interviews with community members, industry experts, developers, researchers, product owners, open source project contributors etc

TIME: interviews will be held during August

TASK: book a suitable time from this link or refer a suitable candidate that could be interested in the research

All help is much appreciated :pray:


Hi @paulaju, thanks for sharing your message on this forum.

I was able to talk with Paula about her research and I think it would be highly valuable if people here could participate in the interview she has prepared. Please feel free to reach out to her directly.

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