Explaining the concept of Data information

We, the Asian countries, are accustomed to being overlooked in global discussions, but I would like to say one thing: in Japan, where I live, the use of copyrighted works without permission for AI training is generally treated as an exception under copyright law. Below is the relevant provision from Article 30-4 of Japan’s Copyright Act. Neighboring East Asian countries seem to be moving in the direction of stipulating similar exceptions to copyright, like Japan. Therefore, approaches such as the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market are unlikely to become mainstream in Asia.

Article 30-4 It is permissible to exploit a work, in any way and to the extent considered necessary, in any of the following cases, or in any other case in which it is not a person’s purpose to personally enjoy or cause another person to enjoy the thoughts or sentiments expressed in that work; provided, however, that this does not apply if the action would unreasonably prejudice the interests of the copyright owner in light of the nature or purpose of the work or the circumstances of its exploitation:
(ii)if it is done for use in data analysis (meaning the extraction, comparison, classification, or other statistical analysis of the constituent language, sounds, images, or other elemental data from a large number of works or a large volume of other such data; the same applies in Article 47-5, paragraph (1), item (ii));

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