A new draft of the Open Source AI Definition: v.0.0.6 is available for comments

Related to this, it’s worth noting that in 2 out of 4 working groups, a majority of the group participants concluded that access to the training dataset was required to exercise the freedom to study the AI system: 5/9 participants for the Bloom working group and 4/5 for Plythia. (For OpenCV it was close, but below 50%: 4/9. I only compared with the number of WG participants, not with the number of voters, which might be lower, possibly pushing OpenCV above the 50% bar.)

For what it is worth: I’m not convinced that voting is the right way to decide on this matter in the first place. So I don’t think this is necessarily a flaw in the process. But if we assume that WG votes have at least some value, these results show that this matter is still a divisive topic among WG participants, rather than a consensual outcome in favor of making training data access optional in the definition.